
Bronze medal for SRI’s champion Pieter Huisma!

Tuesday 25 June 2024

First to say that SRI, as the largest Stainless Steel training company of the North, is proud to see all apprentices progressing in...

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SELO – another 4 years!

Wednesday 28 February 2024

And again, SRI is certified to manufacture high-end apparatus with approval of the Chinese authorities, SELO. After a thourough audit in...

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It all fits together!

Sunday 20 August 2023

It all fits together, especially this casing made of Stainless Steel 316L!Consisting of an upper and a lower part, this casing is...

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A Special Delivery!

Friday 28 April 2023

With a specialized transport service SRI delivered the above shown Muffle to one of it’s customers in Germany. Total...

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Another piece of SRI craftmanship!

Tuesday 4 October 2022

After being manufactured at SRI and coated at a specialist’s facility, this Duplex Column is ready for installation on-site. A...

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Separator ready for transport

Friday 17 June 2022

This last, and at the same time largest, separator out of a project of nine columns, separators and pressure vessels, is ready for...

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Through years of experience, backed up by continuous innovation in engineering, manufacturing techniques, quality control and organization, SRI is certified for PED/CE Module H/H1, ASME U&R Stamp, SELO en ISO 9001. We prove to be a reliable partner for many, often recurring customers worldwide.


From the small town of Veenwouden, The Netherlands, SRI has evolved into a global manufacturer of process industry equipment. We are proud of our roots as well as our worldwide status. Please feel free to ask for information about our engineering and production methods. Also, please contact us if you’d like to cooperate with us.